| Documentation | Creating first project using panx framework

Creating first project using panx framework

Firstly, download panx framework from Github and extract it to your server. Or you can download just panx-worker and run command php panx-worker install 0.1 clean, which will download and create clean project (You can check which version is latest here). You need to specify which version you want to use, or you can run just php panx-worker install, which will download latest version, but keep in mind, that without clean argument, you will download all files, like templates, documentation, etc. After you ran the command, the last step is run command php panx-worker config, which will generate .config file. Point your Apache/nginx server to /public/ folder, so files outside will be hidden for everyone. When you have your web server set up, you need run command to install all dependencies:

composer install

This command will install Parsedown (Markdown parser). It is necessary to have markdown parser if you want create documentation.

Next step is edit .config (ini) file, if you have not done it yet. Here you need change APP_NAME, APP_URL. You should keep APP_DEBUG to false. Database credentials do not need to change, only if you want to use database. If DB_HOST is empty, no connection will be created. Also you can enter other custom values and access to them using $CONFIG["custom"]["CUSTOM_VALUE"] (This sometimes will not work, you should use $GLOBALS["CONFIG"]["custom"]["CUSTOM_VALUE"]). Or you can run command php panx-worker config which will generate config for you.

Next step is to set routes, go to /routes/ and open file route.php. Add all routes you want, for example:

// will handle request to / (e.g. and require home.php from template
Route::set("/", "home.php");
Route::set("/post/{AUTHOR_ID}/{ID}", ["header.php", "post.php"]);
Route::set("/login", "login.php");
Route::set("/test/*", "test.php");

To better understand to routes, see Routes.

Next step is uploading files to /template/ folder, every file need to be PHP file and should correspond with files provided in route.php

Final step is uploading public files (CSS, JS, images) to /public/res/.